Sunday 10 July 2011

Onto the next stage......

The final countdown has started - I've now finished two of the last 12 chemo cycles - only 10 more to go........ It does finally feel as though the end is in sight.......

Whilst I would definitely argue with the "walk-in-the-park" promises given by Papa Smurf - this lot is considerably easier than the last lot. Imagine a 2 day hangover of the middling variety (too much white wine, say, rather than too much whisky or, heaven forbid, too much tequila....). Not go-back-to-bed grimness; not even must-lie-on-the-sofa grimness; more a general feeling of headache and vague malade/lack of energy.

The shitty thing about this lot is that it is every week.

This means pretty much a whole day in the den (Tuesday) or waiting to go in. Then a day of feeling absolutely fine (Weds) followed two days of feeling hung over (Thurs/Fri) And then only 3 days of feeling normal before starting all over again.

I can tell already that this will feel very relentless - having treatments once a fortnight meant that I didn't have to think about The Thing at all for a whole week, which was great for morale. To be honest, I feel pretty fed up with it all at the moment (not depressed or miserable, just fed up and bored) - hence the lack of blogging; there's just not really anything interesting to report.

In the meantime I also have to try to lose the 4 kg (yes, 4kg) that I put on during our lovely 5 days in Bintan. I was roundly told off by Papa Smurf for eating all the pies, and was made to promise to do better before next week - oh the pressure........

An image to leave you with, J and I side by side having a facial and massage in Bintan. J has a fetching pink facepack on - I am next to him (obviously) bald, with a blue facepack on..... Think less "Avatar", more "Blue Man Group"...... and we are both wearing nothing but black paper pants and a skimpy towel. Enjoy.

As zen-like and serene as ever, J xx

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