Wednesday 25 May 2011

Another week goes by

We have a lovely week, from Weds onwards everything is totally back to pre The Thing levels. I rush around fitting two weeks worth of domestic trivia (bills, dry goods shopping, emergency supplies for the kids etc) into 3 days and feel like a normal person.

Anthea and I have our first outing - to great plaudits. Whilst she will never look like my hair - the general consensus is that after a few minutes of thinking "that's a wig" people forget about it completely. For those that haven't seen - here is a photo.

So we go out to a dinner party, I go to book club, we spend Sat night in the highest Alfresco cocktail bar in the world (1-Altitude) followed by a trip to an amazing pudding bar afterwards, which is a very cool evening out. Then another lovely family BBQ lunch on Sunday. Life is good.

We also have a new addition to the hat/hair family - here is a picture of it - I call it Soccer Mom, but the kids have christened it Jason, after their diving instructor.

I also lose my nose hair this week. You wouldn't think you'd notice, but it gets suprising after a hot curry, soup or eyedrops.

Then on Monday night is a dreadful back-to-school/Sunday night feeling - back to the Den on Tuesday.

All the Smurfs are as cheerful as ever, but is a dull, dull process - not helped by the fact that I have to have a blood test before - then hang around for 1.5 hours before I can see Papa Smurf to get the go ahead for the infusions. All blood things are at good levels, so we go ahead for AC Chemo Round 3.

The tedium is not helped by the arrival of a "new girl" who sits next to me and advises me (endlessly) to invite Jesus into my life. And then gives me healing recipes involving unmentionable Chinese ingredients. No thanks, I am happy with my fruit juices - I'll give the dried silverfish a miss, if it's all the same to you. I feign sleep (easy to do when you've got no hair and a drip in your arm) and she moves on to J, but not before using nearly all the forbidden Journey, Stay Strong, Keep Positive words. I hiss gently.

I watch nervously from beneath my eyelids and happily he manages to avoid mentioning that he thinks Jesus and God are being pretty shitty to us right now - he is smiling and pretending to write down recipes. And then they go away.

So back onto the roller coaster for the next week - I feel great so far and decide to make the most of it - and am planning on going to an Art show tonight put on by two mates who I will call Georgia (O'Keefe) and Annie (Leibovitz). Very very bizarrely - Georgia did all the cartoons at Justin's stag party so some of you may remember her (relax, she remembers nothing....)!

Tiny Tim is now on one crutch only - and expected to be off that within a week. Napoleon is still in a sling for 2 more weeks and off rugby/contact sports for 6 more - guttingly both kids have been told that they can't complete their PADI courses until next term as they aren't fit enough to do the sea dives. So we decide to book a holiday instead.......

J is pretty much mended.

As zen-like and serene as ever, J xx


  1. Forgot to bookmark. So searched on google for blogs "off my tits". Yikes. Won't be making that mistake again. Am loving Anthea. Keep up the good work. Love from us all. BN.

  2. Hahahaha I can only imagine :). Loads of love xx
