Friday 22 April 2011

More surgery.

So, back to the drawing board. Or the operating table, more accurately.

Surgery's booked for 5pm, so we all go to Universal Studios for the day, as you do. We have a really lovely day, much helped by the free "fast passes" we were given because of I's wheelchair (she has badly sprained her ankle playing rugby - and is on crutches - but we hired one for the day). We all love going past the hour long queues and have to practice our "not smug at all" faces.

Poor I is forced to go on The Mummy ride because without her, we have to queue. She sensibly puts her foot down (metaphorically) for the gut churning, utterly terrifying Space City ride. We are all relieved.

Then everyone drops me off at the hospital and I feel like I'm in Groundhog Day. But I know what the pants are for, I know the nurses names, I know the drill. I even know how to tie the gown.

Lovely Prof T comes to check on me before surgery. No black pen this time. I ask for pre- med and he says of course. The anaethatist comes and I ask for pre-med and YEA! he gives it to me - and the edges start to get blurry. This is soooooo much better than last time.

The chatty nurses come and wheel me straight into the operating theatre and I breath gas and I fall asleep. Bliss.

I wake up and FUCK ME it hurts. Everywhere. I tell everyone, loudly and they all start being busy. Lovely Prof T is there too making soothing noises and I tell him it hurts. I keep telling everyone that it really really hurts (stoical, me? I don't think so) as I'm not sure they are doing it as fast as they can. Eventually the pethadin starts to work.

After a quick snooze, I'm relaxed enough to sit up and assess the damage. First off, I notice that my friend, drain 1, is back. Great. Weirdly I don't find her nearly as offensive as last time - am I getting inured to all the body fluid stuff? Then I spot that I've got a drip in my toe - curious, but ok - and, oh look, an odd lump in my right arm (the port), surrounded by a fantastic bruise. My armpit (and new boob) is mummified so I can't check that out yet, but even with the pethadin I know it's extremely sore.

My poor body is so abused, and I feel like crap - I desperately hope that this will all be worth it........

As zen-like and serene as ever, J xx

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